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Sign Groups





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Most signs can be divided into four functional groups: -


Information Signs (Where is the objective)

cabot info.jpg (1192527 bytes)

These are the main signs for orientation; they would include identifying the building, car park and other main locations inside the building. These include directories, maps and plans.



Direction Signs (How do I reach the objective)

cabot directional.jpg (335381 bytes)

These direct users to destinations using arrows. Often they carry several destinations in a bank of signs and care has to be taken with the use of arrows to avoid confusion.




Identification Signs (Have I found the objective I seek) (Have I found the objective I seek)

cabot id.jpg (433626 bytes)

These signs – always without an arrow – are located at individual destinations to indicate the location of a facility or a service, a room or a person, once a destination has been reached. Some identification signs can be short, others may contain several levels of information. This category includes mandatory signs, which are usually characterised by a special colour and shape i.e. white letters on to a blue circle.



Safety Signs and Fire Safety Signs

fire.jpg (147335 bytes)   

These signs are essential for the safety of users and can be either warning or prohibitive signs. They will be positioned at strategic points to give warning of a hazard. They include exit signs and details about fire equipment.


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Last modified: August 2004